Friday, May 30, 2008

Encounters with the Homeless

One day I was traveling downtown for a meeting that I had with a mentor in the city of San Francisco. I had taken the train into town and was walking a few blocks through the financial district on my way to the meeting. It is not uncommon, during those walks, for me to encounter the homeless lying on the street corners, sitting and asking for money, or trying to sell street newspapers in order to make a small amount of money. On this particular day, I was early for my meeting and was taking my time absorbing the life of the city. A few blocks into my walk, I came across a man lying against the newspaper boxes. He seemed to be sleeping on something, but it was hard to tell what. He had a few of his possessions around him. It was difficult to tell what was his clothing, his bedding, or his body, because he was so incredibly filthy. His hair was matted and in disarray. He seemed to be sleeping. My heart went out to him when I encountered him… not only because he was so dirty and seemed to have so little, but also because he was lying on the side of the street and his butt was completely exposed. As I was approaching the place where he was sleeping, my spirit was so torn within me. I kept thinking of all of the verses that talk about feeding those who are without food and especially about James 2 that says, “what it is it if you tell him ‘go and be well’”… but I was completely at a loss as to what to do. I thought of the verses about if you have two cloaks – give your brother or your sister the extra one, but I was wearing a suit – high heels, a skirt, and a jacket that I am sure would not have done him any good. I thought about waking him up, but was fearful of what he might do to me if I aroused him from his slumber. I thought about the good Samaritan who saw the man by the side of the road and took him to an inn and paid for his stay. I looked across the street and there was an Omni Hotel right there. I then envisioned what a fool people would think of me if I attempted to take this dirty, disheveled, and smelly man into their posh hotel. I didn’t care as much about what people would think – although the thought crossed my mind – but I continued to rationalize that the man lying there certainly would have rejected my kindness if I had offered. As I continued to walk, I knew in the depths of my being that God was stirring in me… and yet, even acknowledging His presence, I did nothing. I was immobilized. So, when I think about Jesus saying “whatever you do unto the least of these, you do unto me” – I know that on that particular day, I totally walked right by Jesus. I continue to think of that man, what has become of him, how he might have responded to me if I had acted differently. But, even more than that, I ask God to forgive me for the ways that my stupid pride, my world of excessive luxury, keep me from responding to Him in my daily encounters.

1 comment:

Patti Heaps said...

I am so glad that you wrote this story. It leaves a handprint on my heart that stings.

The honesty is like what attracts me to Nouwen, Buechner, and C S Lewis..
